Mattie Shisko

Master Voice

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Mattie Shisko is a vocal coach with over 30 years of experience in studio teaching and on set coaching. Educated at the prestigious National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA) in Sydney, Australia, she brings a wealth of knowledge through her experience as an actor on stage, screen and on the mic.

As a teacher she has helped thousands of students work on their voices and approach acting through the lens of this work. She is a Professor at Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) teaching Acting for Stage and Screen, is an International Workshop Leader in Voice, a TEDx Speaker Coach, guest lecturer at the Centre for Digital Media, an adjudicator for Artist2Artist audition showcase and until recently, was on faculty at the Vancouver Film School for 20 years as an instructor and program leader.

As well as actors, Mattie works with individuals in other domains throughout the world, including Politics, Health Care, Sports, Business and Entertainment, helping them to find ease, resilience and authenticity in their voices. She is the first Polyvagal - Informed Acting and Voice coach in Canada and is recognized by the Polyvagal Institute (USA) as a Wellness and Performance Coach.